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CooperVision's newest daily disposable lens, MyDay®, is here to make every day, your day. Now, you can enjoy a whole new level of contact lens comfort. MyDay's patented Smart Silicone™ chemistry delivers on everything and compromises on nothing.
Due to manufacturer pricing policies, this lens is not eligible for coupons, promotions or other discounts.
* We are unable to ship this item outside the U.S.
MyDay's Smart Silicone™ chemistry features an uniquely low hydrophobic silicon content. This allows more water to be integrated into the chain structure, thus making the lens genuinely wettable from within. No additional coatings or surface treatments are required. MyDay® delivers everything from long-lasting comfort, to healthy breathability, to effortless ease of handling, in a way that no other silicone hydrogel daily disposable does.
90 lenses per pack
Choose Quantity
3 Month Supply
1 box per eye
6 Month Supply
2 boxes per eye
12 Month Supply
4 boxes per eye
Please enter your prescription (Required)
New customers save 20% on their first order at! Register now to get your personal coupon code, then apply it in the Cart to see your savings.
If you have already registered, but haven’t placed your first order - your 20% off code can be found on the account dashboard
Enter your prescription when you add your contacts to the cart. You can also upload an image of your most recent prescription during checkout.
Add the box quantity you need to the cart without entering a prescription. Then let us know your store during checkout. We’ll validate your prescription with our store if you’ve shopped with us, then process the order!
If you have a prescription from another doctor, add the box quantity you need to the cart without entering a prescription. Then let us know your doctor’s information during checkout. We’ll contact them to validate the prescription. Quick tip: If you have a current box of your contacts, check the side of the box for your prescription.
Order just the right or left eye by setting the quantity to 0 for the eye that you DO NOT need. Repeat the same for the other lens that you need.
Please contact us.
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